Here, you can find practices I made for home study and self-assessment.
Here, you can find practices I made for home study and self-assessment.
Self study materials/自宅学習教材
Self study materials/自宅学習教材
日付・時間の表記とカレンダーの読み方/Date and time notation and reading a calendar in Japan: Video/Quizlet
あいさつ/Greetings: Quizlet
あります・います/Grammar: there is ..., there are ... (Video: explain it by using Minecraft)
動詞の活用/Verb conjugations: Quizlet
Helpful Links/役立つリンク集
Helpful Links/役立つリンク集
Quizlet: Klass KadoyaJPN
Hiragana, katakana and kanji/ひらがな・カタカナ・漢字
Explanation of basic lines when writing Japanese/日本語を書く時の基本線の解説(No English subtitles)
Explanation of how to write letters using a ballpoint pen/ボールペンを使った文字の書き方の解説(No English subtitles)
Explanation of how to write letters using a brush pen/筆ペンを使った文字の書き方の解説(No English subtitles)